Friday, February 23, 2007

R and J Prologue and act 1.1

What do you understand of the prologue and act 1.1? Ask questions, make notes, etc.


Blogger EmilyLu said...

I have a thinking question. Is it fair for the prince to tell the Capulets and the Montagues they will die if the lowliest of their servants fights with the servants of the other house?

Fri Feb 23, 03:53:00 PM  
Blogger BenH said...

I would not say that it is totally fair, but it should certainly be effective enough that it does not come to that. Imagine the disgrace if your recklessness caused the death of your master.

Fri Feb 23, 06:56:00 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I definitely agree with Ben on that one. My question is this: what in the world were Sampson and Gregory talking about before the Montegue servants came along. None of it makes any sense to me. Was it just banter? or does it have some real purpose and meaning?

Mon Feb 26, 07:29:00 AM  
Blogger AnnaD said...

Well, as I said in class, the prologue introduces a key concept for the rest of the play: the idea of fate. In Shakespearean times, the stars were believed to be what controlled people's lives and decided their fate. The use of stars as a symbol in the prologue and the description of the lovers' tragic deaths create a sense of impending doom.

Tue Feb 27, 05:09:00 PM  

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